• Management plan for Lauga Mire has been approved

    On June 22, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia has evaluated and approved Management Plan for "Lauga Mire Nature Reserve" for the years 2017-2029. Lauga Mire is a raised bog that borders with pet extraction fields where peat cutting takes place, as well as cranberry plantations, therefore the site is very favourable as demonstration territory for demonstration of various management scenarios.

    Specially protected nature area ‘’Lauga Mire’’ was established in 1999 in order to safeguard and maintain biodiversity of nature- various bird species and bog habitats. Territory is included in a Europe-wide ecological network of nature conservation areas- Natura 2000.The largest part of the nature reserve constitutes of a high-quality raised bog with two lakes - Lake Vējzeri and Lode, as well as a large amount of smaller lakes. There are 35 Latvian specially protected species and 12 species included in the Annexes of the Council of EU Habitats Directive.The central element of the nature reserve is the lake Višezers. After the introduction of a drainage system and the development of peat extraction in the 1960's, the water level in Višezers lake has been reduced by 1.3 m. This factor has affected the untouched structure of the lake. The conditions created by land amelioration have caused significant disturbance in the natural ecosystem of the Višezers lake and the entire Lauga Mire. Over several years, five different types of peat and wood dams have been established outside the restricted area, at the frontier of the nature reserve, increasing the water level of the Višezers lake. Historical changes in the hydrological regime of the mire are the main factor influencing nature ​​in the Lauga Mire, affecting both the water level of the Lake Višezers and adjacent mire habitats, as well as the stability of existing dams in the future perspectiive.

    The nature protection plan includes the objectives and measures aiming to the restoration of the hydrological regime of the mire and stabilization of the hydrological regime of the Višezers lake have been prepared. The implementation of these measures will ensure the natural regeneration of mire habitats in, as well as the long-term stabilization of the current water level in the Višezers lake, which will foster the conservation of suitable habitats for bird species of the Annex I of the EU Birds Directive.

    The nature protection plan for "Lauga Mire" is the first nature protection plan in Latvia, which includes the assessment of the ecosystem services.

    ​All documents of "Lauga Mire Nature Reserve" Management Plan are available here (only in Latvian)

  • Saistītās ziņas:

  • A meeting on the elaboration of the Management Plan for Lauga Mire Nature Reserve

    On January 20, 2017, in the Community center of Bīriņi parish (Limbaži district) a meeting on the initiation of the preparation and elaboration of the Management Plan for Lauga Mire Nature Reserve was held.The Plan is elaborated by the Association‘’Baltic Coasts’’(Address: Ma...
  • A meeting on the initiation of elaboration of the Management Plan for Lauga Mire Nature Reserve

    On 23rd of May, 2016, in the Community center of Bīriņi parish (Limbaži district) a meeting on the initiation of the preparation and elaboration of the Management Plan for Lauga Mire Nature Reserve was held.The Plan is elaborated by the Association ‘’Baltic Coasts’’ (Address:...

  • Project partners

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