• LIFE REstore scientific publication about sustainable management of peat extraction fields

    June, 2019 - LIFE REstore scientific publication "Sustainable Management of Peat Extraction Fields" has been published in Rezekne Technology Academy's Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Environment. Technology. Resources". The publication available -HERE.

    Authors of the scentific publication: Dr. oec. Elīna Konstantinova, Dr. oec. Līga Brūniņa, Dr. paed. Aija Peršēvica (LIFE REstore experts, Association "Baltic Coasts").

  • Saistītās ziņas:

  • LIFE REstore scientific publication about economic valuation of ecosystem services

    June, 2019 - LIFE REstore scientific publication "Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services: a Case Study for Sustainable Management of Degraded Peatlands in Latvia" has been published in Rezekne Technology Academy's Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific and Practical Confere...

  • Project partners

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